

Another lesbian emerges from the wrong closet

First a Syrian lesbian who was not  a lesbian, not Syrian nor even a woman. Now  a prominent  lesbian blogger  reveals that she's  not a lesbian,  not a woman, but Bill Graber,  a married  military man and construction worker, who has has been writing the lesbian blog LezGetReal for three years under the name "Paula Brooks". He said he did it  "with the  best of intentions." The LC recalls that was exactly what the lesbian-who-was-not-Syrian--or-even-a-woman said, after being outed.  Perhaps Anthony Weiner should  try saying he acted with the "best of intentions." Heaven  knows, he's tried everything else. Wait a second...: You don't suppose that he...
The LC is going to bed,  where he can dream happily that all's still Right with the  world..