

Professor Do-little in La-La land

Maureen Dowd now gets it: she writes in the NYT:
Americans are rattled and want action. They don’t know or care what Congress’s schedule is. They just see the president not doing anything. Cruising white Midwestern hamlets in his black bus, Obama tried to justify not calling lawmakers back to D.C. by saying they’d just continue to bicker. But what does he think they’ll do in September? The truth is, he doesn’t want them back in the capital any more than they want to be back. It would have screwed up his vacation and upset Michelle, who already feels trapped in the Washington bubble.
The LC does not begrudge the  Obamas downtime when appropriate. But it would never even occur to a  small-business owner to take a vacation if  the business were in crisis. But the President of the world's only superpower sees no problem with it.  Dangerously arrogant and aloof doesn't even begin to describe him.
(h/t Newsbusters)