

President embraces divisive 99% slogan

They've drawn support from communists, nazis and some have openly shown  antisemitism.   Yet  Barack Obama is now embracing the OWS "99%" slogan to differentiate the majority of Americans from the wealthy. The  'leader' who promised to unify  the nation is now  stoking class war. Read The Gateway Pundit: "In a call previewing Obama’s upcoming bus tour through North Carolina and Virginia, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama “will continue to acknowledge the frustration that he himself shares,” about Washington’s laggard response to the financial crisis.

Earnest added that while on the trip, Obama will make it clear that he is fighting to make certain that the “interests of 99 percent of Americans are well represented” — the first time the White House has used the term to differentiate the vast majority of Americans from the wealthy." Read it all