

Barack Obama's Diary: blog hunting

Dear Diary: I had a call from the DHS today and they already have their blog surveillance  running.  They started with the usual suspects, like  right-wing extremist Bob Belvedere and a guy named Stacy McCain, who keeps asking folks to "hit the freaking tip jar", which Feds think is a code instructing Mossad operatives to assassinate Iranian bad guys. DHS put a tail on McCain in Iowa but lost him when  he began driving a black Mustang through 60mph bends at 80mph -- clearly trying to shake them off. These  right-wing fanatics will stop at nothing.  I also asked DHS to get some dirt on Zilla of the Resistance, whose references to teeth are obviously a code for something much more sinister. And how about that Wysocki guy in NJ? Beards are always a bad sign. A pox on all right-wingers. Michelle is calling,time for bed.