

The Diary of O: A page has leaked

Dear Diary:  My last entry must have been hacked via this laptop because some conservative "humor" blogger in VA has published it.  Yeah, very funny. The Feds have tapped his phone line but can't sneak  into his home because it harbors a small, formidable wife, snarling terriers and a talking parrot. Meanwhile the subversives of the right have been twittering ["tweeting," the kids keep reminding me] each  other about surveillance. DHS are working on a new theory that the "Rule 5" these people write about is a way of using pictures  of pretty girls to hide encrypted files. I'm going bed now so I'll be well rested before golf with Marvin in the morning and brokering deals with  Bloodthirsty Bibi, the Angry Ayatollah and the Pentagon, between holes. And people say I don't work hard.