

The great American class chasm

From a fascinating analysis by Charles Murray: "....The members of America’s new upper class tend not to watch the same movies and television shows that The rest of America watches, don’t go to kinds of restaurants the rest of America frequents, tend to buy different kinds of automobiles, and have passions for being green, maintaining the proper degree of body fat, and supporting gay marriage that most Americans don’t share. Their child-raising practices are distinctive, and they typically take care to enroll their children in schools dominated by the offspring of the upper middle class—or, better yet, of the new upper class. They take their vacations in different kinds of places than other Americans go and are often indifferent to the professional sports that are so popular among other Americans. Few have served in the military, and few of their children either.

"...Worst of all, a growing proportion of the people who run the institutions of our country have never known any other culture. They are the children of upper-middle- class parents, have always lived in upper-middle-class neighborhoods and gone to upper-middle-class schools. Many have never worked at a job that caused a body part to hurt at the end of the day..."  Read it all.

Why does the  word 'Obama' spring immediately to mind?

[Thanks BJS]