

Revealed: Mitt's secret list

White House Dossier has Romney's ultra-secret list of Top Ten Reasons he thinks he can oust Obama from the White House:
1. He has Utah completely locked up.
2. Obama is weakened by vegetable diet forced on him by Michelle.
3. Trump endorsement will add at least 15-20 votes during the general election.
4. Mormonism allows him to promise the country two and even three first ladies.
5. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, and Biden is from Saturn.
6. He won’t make McCain’s mistake of being a genuine person.
7. His campaign is preparing new challenge to Obama’s legitimacy to be president based on where he was conceived.
8. Plans not to select Dan Quayle as running mate.
9. Feels certain he can out-Tweet Obama any day of the week.
10. Is in possession of Obama’s college records, including term paper titled, How I plan to establish a Communist paradise in the United States during my second term as president.