

Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary: A great Wednesday. I love  it when a plan comes together! David Cameron was   every bit as psyched by Air Force One  as  Valerie Jarrett had hoped and who wouldn't be  psyched when Britain is so broke  that they usually fly Cameron around in a WW1 biplane.  Dennis Kucinich  joined us at the NCAA game in Ohio. Man, can that dude talk!  That blocked Cameron from asking awkward questions about the timetable for  allied withdrawal from Afghanistan. We had a State Dinner tonight. Yum!   Lots of stuff Michelle  normally forbids me: Bison Wellington,  crisped halibut,  and a steamed lemon pudding. We kept the wine list  secret from the media...we know what mischief they would make with  $300 bottles of wine. Leno and Letterman would be wise-cracking about them  being cheaper than  a gallon of gas in LA. That's funny!  Though I say so myself, and I do.  Which reminds me: I gotta get Steven Chu to figure out a way to cut  gas prices before November or the bitter clingers will kick my skinny ass out of the Oval Office -- scary thought. And talking of scary,  Michelle is calling out to me, so I must close the laptop. And so to bed.