

Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary: I'm once again  in the bedroom of Air Force One, flying home from the nuclear security conference in Seoul.  Marvin, The Prince of Bodymen, promised to keep my  food kimchee-free while I was in Seoul and he did. After take off,  I  celebrated with a delicious steak for dinner. Then I caught up with briefings  sent by Jarrett and Axelrod. It seems the uproar over the shooting of that kid in Florida  has only gotten louder while I've been away, and Sharpton and Jackson have been stirring things up. It turns out that  that  the Zimmerman guy is a registered Democrat and likely voted for me in 2008. Awkwaard.  I'm going to be walking a tight-rope on  this issue after I get back.  At least I can  initially plead jet-lag  to avoid the media. Carney can take the heat while I talk strategy with Jarrett and Axelrod.
Marv has laid out my jammies and I'm going to put them on now, climb into bed and watch  some  NCAA games  which he  recorded, until I'm ready to fall asleep.