

Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary:  We hosted guests for Passover  seder this evening, I  had ordered lobster for myself. Oops. Not kosher. Cream with my coffee. Oops... not kosher. I regret not inviting Slow Joe  who would have  likely asked for a bacon sandwich, then tapped  loudly on his wine glass and invited us all to toast an all-Arab Jerusalem.  That would have  obscured my  small indiscretions. The only thing  in favor of the menu was the absence of M.'s frozen  peas. 
My booful Boo-boo
Earlier in the day, I bestowed my inestimably valued presence upon a White House Women's Economic  Forum. Mysteriously,  none of the ladies seemed impressed by my  call  for the weaker sex  to  be admitted to the Augusta Golf Club.  But I still have hope that Sandra Fluke may now be inspired to demand club membership with  a  lifetime supply of free balls golf balls. Well, it's time to  join M. and  fall asleep  grasping Boo-boo my, num-nummm.  And so to bed.