

Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary:  A masterstroke by yours truly, if I say so myself, and I do. On the anniversary of Bin Laden's  death, I will be the center of attention  being interviewed by  Brian Williams of NBC -- here's the masterstroke -- in the White House situation room. Blogger  Keith Koffler at his White House Dossier, is outraged by the breach of security  and  sarcastically suggests a tour of the nuclear codes as a sequel.  Yes! Maybe slow jam them with  Jay-Z: " I da prez: 5r-47-89-2. Vladimir Putin,  we  gonna  nuke all  of you..."
Quote McRaven:
never more
 The whole event was aranged to remind people of the narrative of  my  gutsy and inspired approval of the raid on Bin Laden. Of course, the Republicans say it was all planned and run by Admiral McRaven and all I did was nod approval.  But  my trusty lapdogs at NBC will expunge him and quote McRaven never more. Time for bed, for Boo-boo my blankey, and all's right with the world. Um-num-num-um, Barry love Boo-boo.