Dear Diary: I'm home again after my shining seven hours on the ground in Kabul where I captivated millions with my soaring oratory and raw courage. I'm sliding into the presidential bed early tonight. Tomorrow we're having a pre-pre-Cinco de Mayo reception in the Rose Garden. I spent several hours on the long flight home practicing my Spanish. Ariba! Ariba! Yeeehah! Andele! Andele! Oops, that's Speedy Gonzalez, a notorious Mexican stereotype. No, what I will be saying is much more PC cooler: Que pasa? [wassup bro'.] I might even regale my new amigos with a rousing rendition of "I'm so in love with me."
Marvelous Marv my trip director, has recovered Boo-boo my beloved blankey from Air Force One and hidden it under my pillow. Now it only remains for me to close the laptop, say a quick prayer to myself and so to bed and the satin touch of Boo-boo who love Barry and make everything better. Um-num-num-um...