

Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary:  Decisions, decisions and  yet more decisions: Rock... meet Hard Place.
Joe has been adding to my woe by saying publicly that he supports same-sex marriage. I can't delay a decision on this for much longer.  Meantime Bibi Netanyahu has engineered a surprise coalition that puts him in a much stronger position to attack Iran. If he does attack, that puts me in the potentially scary situation of having to make an immediate decision on how to react.  I am faultless in my judgement, even if I say so myself,  and I do. I'm also gutsy, of course,  but I like to take months to consider all aspects of a problem, consult,  and have escape routes in place should things go wrong. Netanyahu is a volcano that can erupt at any time...scary man. Talking of scary people, my sweet pea Michelle is calling out to me from the presidential bed, so I must say my accustomed prayer to myself and slide into bed, pull Boo-boo my blankey from under my pillow so I have his satin sweetness to hand should I awake from a nightmare of  having to make  an impossible  decision without even Bush to blame. Barry love Boo-boo, Boo-boo keep me  safe from bad zzzz...