

Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary:  I am beginning to be weary of the gay coronation. Some are even calling me Martin Luther Queen and suggesting the erection of  a rainbow-colored statue of me in the National  Mall. Hardee, har, har. Mine is certainly an historic presidency, but what about my other achievements, like... where was I? Oh yes... gays. Some of my best friends are in committed monogamous relationships...oh, that's from my stump speech. What more can I say? Not much, so it's time for my accustomed  bedtime prayer to myself and  to close the cool new ultralite that  I ordered to complement  my ultra-cool persona. And so to bed, and dreams of glory, as I clutch Boo-boo, my blankey: Barry luv Boo-boo, Boo-boo luv