

Barack Obama's diary

Mon Cher journal: (My Dear Diary) I am busily learning some basic Francais for my meeting with  the new French  President Francois Hollande tomorrow when the G8 get-together begins at Camp  David. Hollande is by all accounts a socialist, so we should have plenty in common. I will say:  "Bonjour, Monsieur  le President, comment ca va? " which roughly translated means: 'Wassup, Bro" and he'll say " Ca va bien merci" ("I'm good, thank you," and be highly impressed by my fluent French)  Well, with a busy day tomorrow I must  say bon nuit and say my quick prayer to me then surrender to the charms of Boo-boo my blankey and dream of all  things French except snails and frogs' legs. Boo-boo, je t'aime! Barry luv