

Cabby: Our advice columnist

 Dear Cabby:  Hey, I've asked  the Plaza concierge for you several times recently, but you've been unavailable. My popularity has increased a lot since I last rode in your cab, but Obama's still  trying to portray me as a ruthless  job-killer. What shall I do? --Mitt R.                                                        

Dear Mitt R:  I've been  away from work for a couple weeks after workin' three shifts a day to pay da bills. Whatcha gonna do? Dat Obama guy's killin' me. I heard on da radio dat he missed a cue in California last night because he's "tired".  "Tired" is what you feel after 20 hours drivin' a frikkin' cab in Manhattan. Whadda goddam  douche da guy is. Why don't you  kick him in da economics... dat's where he's really pathetic. You godda a problem widdat?  I need  to work three shifts day just  to try and keep up wid da middle-classes. I hate da skinny little jug-eared turd who  pretends to be on our side. Help from him?  Not unless you wanna marry a goddam fudge-packer. Fuggedaboudit.  Here we are at Park and  56th, outside Truman's da hairdresser. Tanks for da tip. Be seein' ya.-- Cabby