

Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary: I am staying  in the Chicago family residence tonight, after a day of fundraising. I am  alone if you don't count  about 5,000 Secret service agents  inside, outside, in the yard,  on the roof and and parked in the street, with .45s, shotguns and sniper rifles.  
In retrospect, the unveiling of the Bush's portraits at the White House went well, though the media seemed to think George's wisecracks were funnier than mine. As if !
One of Mitt's underlings managed to spell America as 'Amercia,'  in an iPhone  app. [Note to self: we can use that in a campaign ad,  'If  Mitt Ronmey can't spel, should he be prednisent?' ] I am clearly  a better copywriter than my campaign copywriters, though I say so myself, and I do. 
Marv, my trip director, fortunately remembered my blankey, Boo-boo, without whom I can't sleep properly. So, with Boo-boo, I am heading to the nuptial bed to sleep that profound sleep granted only to  those with boundless intellect.  Barry luv Boo-boo, um-num-num-um....zzzz.