

Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary: A day of  criss-crossing  the Commonwealth of Virginia as I campaigned from the west coast to the  southeastern city of Roanoke at the heart of redneck country. Well...loookee here, Caleb. There's  one of them black people workin' a rope-line  outside our old fire station.  Scary people. Talking of scary, Joe's been having another attack of foot-in-mouth disease, wondering  in a  public speech how  his conception was possible in the thin-walled home of his childhood.  Awkwaard. At such  times,  I wish his parents hadn't been so resourceful. There are rumors that Condi Rice is Mitt's likely choice for VP, which would dilute even my unique status as the first African-American at the pinnacle of power in the USA.  The yoke of power sure is heavy at present. Time for me to tuck up M., slide into the Presidentopedic beside her and pull my blankey Boo-boo from under my pillow... Barry luv Boo-boo, um-num-num-um...zzzzz...