

Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary: I spent  today in New Orleans fund-raising among the Democrat  faithful.  It is good for a leader such as my distinguished self, to bask in the admiration of the herd.  As evening drew in, I returned to Air Force One for the flight back to D.C. I had earlier switched all calls to voicemail on my iPresidophone, as Vlad the Impaler and Bibi are still freaking out about Syrian chemical weapons, and I didn't want my moments of glory in the Big Easy  interrupted by less important events elsewhere. Putin had left a message saying that he, too, has now warned Assad against using chemical weapons. Dude added a couple of expletives which I didn't understand, but were clearly directed at me for not answering his calls.  Meh. Well, it's early  tomorrow morning there now and sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. I'll sort it out tomorrow after I have slept  late and recovered properly. The important thing is that right  now I'm  reuniting with Boo-boo my blankey and the familiar mattress of the Presidopedic. Barry luv Boo-boo, um-num-num-um...zzzzz...