

Barack Obama's Diary: Vegas to the Big Apple

Dear Diary: I have dispatched Geezer Joe to Tampa, scene of the Republic National Convention next Monday so he can provide some TV audience diversion if things go too well for Mittman and Ryan. Also I am beginning to find his constant references to me as "Barry the Kid," more and more irritating. I need a break from the old coot. I've had a long day today, beginning with a teachers' round-table in Sin City, then a campaign event, then onto Taxpayer One for the long flight to New York City and two more events at the Lincoln Center. Finally the flight home to D.C.,  the Presidentopedic and the delights of Boo-boo my blankey. I hope I'm too tired to have Mittmares. Barry luv Boo-boo um-num-num-um...zzzzz...