

Barack Obama's Diary: Ignored in VA

Dear Diary: I was  extremely annoyed several days ago when that distinguished institution,  the University of Virginia, refused to let me campaign on their campus. My campaign team instead arranged a rally at a stadium named for some redneck phone carrier. So it was that, on a hot and sticky afternoon, I flew into Charlottesville. And, can you believe it,  I noticed on my way on the way to the stadium that people were going about their daily business seemingly oblivious to my majestic progress from Albemarle airport. Outrageous. If Virginia were not a swing state, I would likely avoid it, except for the DC suburbs where there are multitudinous Federal employees for whom I have created thousands jobs and who worship the very ground I walk upon. After a couple hours of campaigning I was back on board Taxpayer One, flying home to DC and dinner with M. and the kids.  Now I am ready to slide into the Presidentopedic, to clutch my blankey Boo-boo... Barrry luv Boo-boo, um-num-num-um...zzzzz