

Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary: Yay! What a landmark weekend for my inspiring leadership! A US Olympic swimmer -- whose name escapes me--breaks an all-time record for gold medals, then  NASA, because  I  have made it leaner and more Muslim-friendly, landed Curiosity on the Red Planet. Of course, I would rather the planet were blue but changing the color of Mars  to a more democrat friendly color may be beyond even my spectacular intellect.  I'll ask Valerie Jarrett what she thinks: maybe I should try an Executive Order? Now for today, which is now drawing to an end and was devoted to the much more important business of fundraising. The common herd were kept away all day from the Connecticut beach which is overlooked by  my good friend Harvey Weinstein's  palace  home -- a small price  for the common herd to pay to have my magnificent presence bestowed upon their obscure little state park. After that, I flew on Taxpayer One back to DC and the comfort of the Presidentopedic and my blankey Boo-boo. Barry luv