

Dear Cabby: Street-smart advice

Dear Cabby: I forgot where I am scheduled to meet my limo. In fact, I'm having trouble  remembering a lot of things.  But this much I  do know: Watch out for Wall Street or they'll have y'all back in chains. -- J.B, Wilmington, Delaware.

Dear JB:  Who ya kiddin'? We say "youse" in New York, not "y'all".  As for attackin' Wall Street, fuggedaboudit. My best fares come from Wall Streeters. Widdout dem I couldn't pay da rent in dis lousy Obamaconomy. You goddam  Dems gimme da creeps, takin' da money from hardworkin' folks and givin' it to  fat-asses in da Bronx dat are  too goddam lazy to get up in da mornin' and do a day's work.  I put out a call on da radio and your limo's  waitin'  at 48th & Park.   Ten cents? You call dat a tip? Goddam tightwad VPs. -- Cabby.