

Barack Obama's Diary: Call me, maybe

 Dictated by phone from my motorcade en route to  a fundraiser at the Capital Hilton:
Dear Diary:  The wheels are wobblin' on our Iran sanctions policy with Rudy Guiliani asking if I'm on Mars, or somethin'. In point of fact, I am on Mars: my autograph is engraved on an aluminium plate on Curiosity, as befits someone of my intergalactic stature.  As for Iran sanctions, being gentle with thugs always disarms them. Look at the success we've had with the ...errr.... Taliban. Back to the important stuff: I've got three fundraisers today. I've got a call scheduled with Netanyahu which I'm goin' to have take, after he hung up on me yesterday. Ah. Here he is  now: "Switchboard? What the heck do you mean:  'The Prime Minister can't take my call until he's finished his shower?' I'm the daggone...errr... President... OK,  he can call me later, Bibi, maybe, (heh) but he may have to wait as I'm due to deliver some remarks at the ...errr... Hilton.