

Barack Obama's Diary: Geezers beware

Dear Diary: Auugh! Word has somehow escaped that I was informed about the 9/11 attack on the Benghazi diplomatic mission 90 minutes after it started but I fell asleep before knowing the status of the ambassador. But, to be fair  to my majestic self, if I stayed awake every time there was an ongoing  international security issue, I would never sleep at all. That's what 3am phone calls to Secretaries of State are for. Meantime Mittman seems to be winning over voters in Florida, reducing my lead by 27%. Ungrateful geezers.They should know  by now how we Chicagoans  reward our friends and punish our enemies. If they turn against  us in large numbers they can forget  future Social Security cost-of-living adjustments. And, man, will they need them when Bernanke's QE3 kicks in and ignites the inflation rocket. Biden's been putting his foot in his mouth again, telling a bunch of cheerleaders that they are like gymnasts and the feats they achieve on hard wood blow his mind.  Sigh... I should have launched Joe aboard Curiosity to be ambassador to Mars, but he would just have scared the rocks and craters by telling them: "Mitt is goin' to put y'all in chains."