

Barack Obama's Diary: A weighty issue

By phone from Airforce One, [for transcription]:  Dear Diary:  How 'bout that  Letterman interview...How cool was that! He started by askin' me... errrrr... how much I weigh, which gives you an idea of how...errr... demandin' his err...questions were. Hold on a second...Francois Hollande is on the other line. "Bonjour, Francois. You are shutting down 50 embassies in Muslim countries because you've had warnin's of violence over some errrr...cartoons?"  But we didn't do that. That makes me look errr...uncarin' for our diplomats in Muslim countries, Francois. What? Clint Eastwood told me to do that and it's physically impossible. And merde to you, too. Au revoir, Francois."  Back to the dictation: Where was I? Oh yes, Letterman....he's a dependable guy...always makes me look good, [Note to self: Get Valerie to set up another... errr...appearance on the nearer to the November election.]