

Barack Obama's Diary: Ya'll ready?

Dictated From my limo in route to Woodbridge, Virginia--
Dear Diary:  It's a all-Virginia Day for me. First a satellite link to the AARP conference in the Big Easy, then an appearance at a junior league stadium in Woodbridge where I can practice the southern  accent that Michelle and I have been practicin' at home: "Ya'll ready for some biscuits 'n gravy?"  Yup, if yall's cookin' some." Pretty good, if ah cayenne say so myself, and ah's the prezident, so ah cayenne.
I'm gettin' nervous about the... errr.. polls. Mitt seems to be closin' the gap in...errr... Florida. Time to get ...errr...Bernanke ... to crank up the ole printin' press again and for me to promise to raise social security payments when I'm ...errr... re-elected. I'm done with this day's entry, y'all.