

Barack Obama's Diary: Printin' more cash

Dictated aboard Air Force One returning from Milwaukee to DC:
Dear Diary:  Bloggers and other pundits are already criticisin' my Tuesday speech to the UN General Assembly before it is errr...even... errr...delivered. They say I'm not doin' enough to defend freedom of speech. Give me a break. We've spent $70,000 in Pakistan on TV ads condemnin' that anti-Islamic film. I've already told Bibi Netanyahu that I won't meet him. This sent a dramatic message to all Middle Easterners to behave themselves. Strangely, this common-sense conciliatory gesture to Islamists only further inflamed them all. Why won't they listen to reason-- as I do when Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod suggest printin' another trillion to stimulate the...errr.. economy? Since it didn't work last time, it makes complete sense to...errr...try it again. Now I think about it, maybe I should..errr...  double down on Bibi, by inviting him to dinner  in Manhattan, then standin' him up. That will take his ...errr...mind off of  Iran and give the...err... hacks somethin' else to write about to stop them revealin' more embarrasin' stuff about Bengay...errr... Benghazi.