

Barack Obama's...errr... Diary

By telephone from Airforce One for transcription by secretarial staff: 
Dear Diary:  I'm headin' back to Florida to massage the Jewish and the senior vote.  Michelle is in North Carolina addressin' students at an African American university  usin' the black Southern Accent that she and I have been practicin' so ya'll down there will see us as average errr... folks, but much ...errr... brainier and cooler. [Hold, please. Bibi Netanyahu's on the other line, I've got take the call.] "Bibi...wassup, Dude?Amadinejad causin' you trouble again?  Take a tip from Clint Eastwood's playbookbook and tell Mahmoud to do to himself what is physically impossible. Or  you could follow my Administration's cunnin' strategy in Benghazi. Oh,wait....
Just go ahead and bomb the blowhard and we'll join in after the election. Gotta go, Bibi, my plane is landing at Miami."