

The Book of Mitt

Golly gosh. what a 24 hours it has been! I am outraged at what has been allowed to happen to our Libya Ambassador, may he find comfort in the arms of the Lord.  Barack Obama, bless his heart, has attempted to take a tough stance, but he is less formidable than the few dust bunnies I encounter when I help Ann with housework on the housekeeper's day off.  The media are up to their old tricks, using my alleged blunders  to distract from  Obama's misjudgments.  A pox be upon those hacks! Oops, I must learn not cuss like that.  I don't know where I picked it up.  I'll try to put it another way: Naughty, naughty hacks, you've made me quite annoyed. There... that's a more appropriate way of expressing  my displeasure  In conclusion, I should note, at the risk of being prideful, that I'm only 1% behind Obama in today's Rasmussen poll. Yay!