

The Dung Beetle Award goes to...

The Academy of Dung Beetles' Award is being rolled towards  Unpresident Obama's administration for allowing the US  diplomatic offices in Benghazi and murdered Ambassador Stevens to have no Marine guards [on 9/11 of all days]. If Secretary of State Clinton is responsible for this incredible situation, she must resign immediately. 
UPDATE: A reader writes:" A LOT of people are complaining about Ambassador Stevens' not having "Marine Guards" - the USMC 'Embassy duty' is composed of Marines AT THE EMBASSY, which in this case would be in Tripoli - Benghazi, being a separate city, would only rate a Consulate.  Consulates are 'protected' by either U. S. State Department security personnel, OR are contracted out to local security businesses.  Reports I've seen HAVE indicated that the Ambassador was accompanied by two U. S. Marines, who were also killed."