

Barack Obama's Diary: Obamanesia

Dear Diary:  Let me be perfectly clear: I have been floatin' on a high of jubilation since my dazzlin' attack on Mittman, accusin' him of "Romneysia" -- a genius move, even if I say so myself, and I do. The only drawback is that I am  now gettin' sniggerin' from Michelle and Valerie, who say "Obamanesia," every  time I forget some triflin'  little thing. Ha, ha, hardy har. Judgin' by how the the polls are trendin', "Obnoxious" can't be far behind. Augh! Not only is Mittman surgin' ahead, the Democrat Party is financially democrupt even before the um... election.  I am goin' to be at err... Camp David for the next few days to prepare for the foreign affairs debate and to think of ways to blame Bush for Benghazi. Bush-blamin' has gotten old, but it is still workin' for me.