

Poll: Most Americans feel government threatens their personal rights

A new survey from Pew Research Center finds more than half of Americans believe the government threatens their personal rights.
The national survey, conducted in mid-January, marks the first time a majority viewed the government as a threat since Pew began tracking public opinion on the subject in 1995.
This year 53 percent of the poll's respondents answered 'yes' when asked if the federal government "threatens your personal rights and freedoms." This year's poll also found more people viewed the government as a "major threat" than ever before.
All of the survey's highest perceptions of the threat of government have come since President Barack Obama took office in 2009. Details here.
[Thanks BJS]

Obamafail: Now even his defense pick is under siege

"Barack Obama sure picks them," writes Australian columnist Andrew Bolt. "First he lost his first pick for Secretary of State, thanks to Susan Rice’s bizarre attempts to explain away the Benghazi terrorist attack.
Now his pick for Defence Secretary, Chuck Hagel,  is in deep strife after a flustering performance during confirmation hearings." Read more.
[Thanks: BH]

Cartoon: Nate Beeler

[The Columbus Dispatch]

Jesse Jackson wants your pension

There’s been no shortage of ideas for how to jump-start economic growth.  At a conference in New York the Rev. Jesse  Jackson has  aired a proposal for using pension funds to make loans in low-income communities.  What could possibly  go wrong?  Details here

Cartoon: Rick McKee

[The Augusta Chronicle]

Dear Mom and Dad...

Dear Mom and Dad,
You'll be happy to hear that I've recently left my Muslim boyfriend Abdul, I know that you didn't  approve of him because of his beliefs and the fact he was 24 years older than me. You'll be also pleased to know that I met a nice California boy in Hamburg. He has changed my life, I've never been happier. His name's Andrew and he's just one year older than me. The extra good news is that we are both coming back home  next month and he can't wait to meet you both. In the meantime I've attached a recent photo of the two of us in a Hamburg square.
Love from

Cruz flays Hagel

Ouch! This is painful to watch:

Barack Obama's Diary: Cabbage mystery

Dear Diary: Michelle has made my life a living hell  today. A blogger called her out for apparently abandoning  her "Let's Move" anti-obesity campaign. Michelle had been hoping that the lapdog media would allow it to fade from public memory. But no: Those daggone conservative bloggers are always on our case. Her face was like thunder when she realized she would have to rustle-up some "homegrown" winter veggies real quick. I don't  think even her winter vegetables  survived the recent ultra-hard frosts. But, as  if by magic, she soon tweeted  pictures of some newly-harvested cabbage and broccoli to her fans. Personally, I think Wholefoods may not be wholly innocent in this matter. Either way, the result is we're all going to be punished with cabbage at dinner for for the next few days. Yeecch! Maybe the kitchen will take mercy on me and turn those cabbages into coleslaw.

Racist? You decide...

Arab groups are calling this Superbowl Coca Cola ad "racist". Judge for yourself. Details here..

Birth control lie about Israel exposed

Alan Johnson at the UK Telegraph has  come out in Israel's defense against a defamatory claim made that Israel gave Ethiopian immigrants birth control without their knowing and this led to lower birthrates:
"For three days now my Facebook feed has been aflutter with the story that “Israel has admitted” giving Ethiopian immigrants birth control injections without their consent. The story is false, and the ways in which it is false deserve scrutiny and attention as they form part of a worrying pattern."  More here.

Cartoon: Daryl Cagle

[Cagle Cartoons]

Obama's secret path to citizenship

With the realization that this could create an uproar and shatter the emerging bipartisan 'consensus' on immigration reform, White House Dossier is presenting Obama’s 'secret top ten' requirements for a path to citizenship. Here are three:

  • Must be able to lip-sync the national anthem.
  • Must attest that you have read the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and “Dreams from my Father.”
  • Must be willing to support a Constitutional amendment allowing third term for a president. 
Read them all  here.

The Dung Beetle Award goes to...

The Academy of Dung Beetles' Award is being rolled towards school officials in Sumter, South Carolina, who have expelled a 6-year-old kindergarten girl for bringing her brother's tiny, clear-plastic toy gun to school for show-and-tell. More here.

Blogger gets Michelle to move

Never underestimate the power of a great  blog: Keith Koffler at White House Dossier --often linked by Laughing Conservative  -- yesterday pointed out that Michelle Obama appeared to have abandoned her "Let's Move" anti-obesity campaign. Then -- a miracle of coincidence -- within  hours FLOTUS tweeted this picture of cabbage and broccoli harvested from her veggie garden, and the story was picked up by the Daily Mail. More here

Obamafail: jobless rise again

"Jobless claims surged this week, missing expectations by the most since Sandy. For 13 months, we have meandered around a flat-line initial claims number in the 365k range - and we remain there, writes Tyler Durden.  "What is most troubling about this total catastrophe that occurred in Emergency Unemployment Compensation. After last week's record-breaking plunge of over 350k, this week saw a surge of over 418k added to the EUC rolls - the biggest 2-week jump in two months." Read more

What to do when facing a gunman: snip, snip

 If your workplace is being shot up by a crazed gunman, grab a pair of scissors and fight back.
That’s some of the helpful advice in a new instructional video from the Department of Homeland Security that was posted on the agency’s Web site just a month after the massacre at Sandy Hook. More here.

Obama flip-flops over 'dark money'

The creation this month of Organizing for Action, which will promote the president’s second-term agenda, appears to be the fourth reversal by Obama on major money-in-politics issues since 2008.
Conservatives who've been attacked by the Obama camp for their reliance on such “dark money” groups called out the president’s “brazen hypocrisy.” For Obama’s other U-turns on money-in-politics issues going back to 2008,  see here. 
[Thanks BJS]


Bam v. Bush on detention, wire taps, killings

In his second inaugural address, President Obama declared that “a decade of war is now ending.” Troops have left Iraq, and the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan is supposed to begin next year. But Obama has expanded shadow drone wars beyond Afghanistan and has maintained some of President Bush’s controversial national security policies.  To look at how much has changed — and how much has stayed the same,  go here.

Canada tried registering long guns, gave it up

An excellent piece in Forbes on gun control: "One persistent suggestion... is a law requiring the registration of all guns, even so-called “long guns” like the rifle Adam Lanza used in the school killings. Lost in the discussion: Canada tried it and gave up, discovering like several other nations that attempting to identify every gun in the country is an expensive and ultimately unproductive exercise. Criminals, of course, don’t register their guns. And even law-abiding citizens tend to ignore registration when it comes to long guns mostly used for hunting and target shooting. Read it all. 
[Thanks BJS]

Breakfast with Obama

From the Interwebs: 
 I was eating breakfast with my 10 year old granddaughter and I asked her:
 "What day is tomorrow"?
 She said: "It's Presidents Day!"
 She is a smart kid. I asked: "What does Presidents Day mean?"
 She said: "Presidents Day is when President Obama steps out of the White House,  and if he sees his shadow, we have 4 more years of bullshit."
 You know, it hurts when coffee spurts out your nose.
[Thanks RK]

Libs, don't happy

"One thing you can count on is the gullibility and endless reserves of outrage of the professional victimologists of the Left.  Case in point: Volkswagen has released a new ad for the Super Bowl that has the Sensitivity Police yelling “racism!” at the top of their lungs," says Powerline.

Cartoon: Rick McKee

[The Augusta Chronicle]

The Dung Beetle Award goes to...

The Academy of Dung Beetles' Award is being  rolled towards White House Press Secretary Jay Carney for blaming  the GOP for a sudden economic contraction, claiming the the economy faces “headwinds” created by the GOP. As Keith Koffler at White Houe Dossier points out, the drop fourth quarter of 2012 reflects concern about the Fiscal Cliff and decreases in government spending, particularly on Defense. Both exist because President Obama did nothing serious in his first four years to reduce overall government spending. Read more.

Duh! of the Day...

As we know, liberal morons  are easily led by the nose: As evidence  many have been been bamboozled by a satirical report about Ann Coulter supposedly refusing to fly in plane piloted by a black woman. Details here.


Barack Obama's Diary: Buenos Dias!

Dear Diary: I arrived home late last night from Vegas where I had addressed an Hispanic-heavy high school audience on immigration  [lots of potential Democrat voters.]
After morning briefings today I had lunch with Hillary. I have to say that the new prism lens she has in front of her left eye is deeply disturbing.  Like Bill, she has always  had a steady, disarming gaze. Now her left eye shifts if she turns her head slightly  and  the resulting jump in her gaze is plain creepy.
After lunch I had interviews with Telemundo and Univision. I  set out to impress them with my fluent Hispanic:  "Buenos Dias, " I declared. They looked dismayed until an aide told me that the correct usage was Buenas Dias, since dias is feminine. "Disculpe" I said, asking for forgiveness. But my efforts were futile --being afternoon, it was now Buenos tardes... or is that Buenas tardes?   Oh, for heaven's sake, why can't these people speak English? I'm  already going cold on the whole idea of immigration reform.

If it saves only one life? How about 1200...

Joe Biden and Barack Obama routinely resort to the statist's traditional rhetoric in pushing their anti-Constitutional agenda.  The quote they frequently employ -- "if it saves only one life" -- is demonstrably specious, writes Doug Ross.
"Last month, ICE released statistics on the tiny fraction of illegal aliens... actually deported in 2012.
Just this small slice.. was determined responsible for:
• 1,200 murders
• 5,550 rapes and other sexual offenses
• 40,000 drug crimes
• 36,000 DUIs
Thousands of murders. Thousands of rapes...thousands of drug crimes,  thousands of DUIs.
If it saves only one life?"  Read it all.

Piers Morgan pimps a warped story

Lord Smugly of Conceit [a.k.a. Piers Morgan] is pimping a narrative this evening about a grieving  Sandy Hook father being" heckled" by 2nd Amendment supporters. The loathsome Brit will stop at nothing to promote his feeble show as it slowly wilts on the CNN vine. The truth is here.

The Dung Beetle Award goes to...

The Academy of Dung Beetles' Award is being rolled towards officials of the Indiana Department  of Natural Resources who are prosecuting a policeman and his wife for nursing an injured fawn back to health and independent adulthood. The two face fines, even jail time. More here.

Fake Obama shot down

President Obama recently told The New Republic magazine, "Up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time."  After some suggested the president's claim might not be true, the New Republic tweeted a picture supposedly proving that Obama has gone skeet shooting: Here is the picture the magazine pointed to:

The only problem: the picture is a fake, and not hosted on the White House's website. Within minutes the magazine had deleted the tweet and admitted its mistake. Pundit Press has details.

Riposte of the Day...

Great comment on Weasel  Zippers: " I am a native American.  The illegals say there needs to be a path to citizenship. There is a path to citizenship. They may not like it but it is there.
There is a path to car ownership. You go out and buy one or work out a deal to finance one and make your payments. Some may not like that pathway so they go out and steal one. That is illegal. Just like coming here and not choosing the pathway that has been set forth. If you don't like it, stay in the country you are presently in."

Can Psy psell liberal nuts?

South Korean singer Psy, of Gangnam-style fame, has made a Superbowl ad for pistachio nuts. If he's that good at selling nuts, Laughing Conservative suggests  that Psy could do wonders for the  image of the looney Left.

Barack Obama's Diary: Not staying in Vegas

Dear Diary:  Marvelous Marv woke us while it was still dark in DC and I was  motorcaded to Joint Base Andrews for the long flight to Vegas on Taxpayer One for my speech on immigration changes [or, as some like that burr under my saddle, Keith Koffler,  impertinently call it "the Democrat Voter Expansion Bill"]
The usual suspects are complaining about the $1.6 million cost of this trip, What do they expect , for me to  take a cab from 1600 Penn. to Vegas? This way the taxpaying masses are getting my incomparable brainpower for a bonus 9 hours [minus 30 minutes for a power-nap]... a raving bargain. Having delivered myself of my spectacular speech in good time for the 6.30pm  news on the East coast I reboarded Taxpayer One at McCarren Airport and I am  penning these few immortal lines for posterity on the long flight home.

Obamaphone lady sees the truth

The Obamaphone Lady who gained  Internet fame for her vocal support of Barack Obama has seen  the light.  [via Maggie's Notebook]


Bullying Bam

[From: The Looking Spoon]

Murdoch apologizes for 'grotesque, offensive' cartoon

['Will cementing peace continue?' by Gerald Scarfe]

Hillary, the way she used to be

A fascinating glimpse of the chameleon  that is Hillary Clinton. Here she is (with a broad Southern Accent) with Slick Willie, being interviewed by Steve Croft in 1992.

Iran launches monkey into space

Iran has launched a monkey into space aboard a Kavoshgar rocket which reached a height of more than 75 miles and 'returned its shipment intact", Fars news agency reports. The report did not mention President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's current condition.

WHO Screwed up, Mr President?

When Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes finally got around to asking President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton about the terrorist attacks in Benghazi... President Obama decided it would be a good time to go for laughs, writes Larry O'Connor.
"You know, I remember Bob Gates, you know, first thing he said to me, I think maybe first week or two that I was there and we were meeting in the Oval Office and he, obviously, been through seven presidents or something. And he says, "Mr. President, one thing I can guarantee you is that at this moment, somewhere, somehow, somebody in the federal government is screwing up." (Laughter)

It's disgusting to write-off the complete and total failure in Benghazi as nothing more than "someone in the federal government screwing up," O'Connor continues. "It's even more enraging to do so in such a casual and flip way that is meant to engender laughter.
Four Americans are dead.  They died while they fought off al-Qaeda terrorists whom President Obama assured us were "on the run" thanks to his leadership.  They died waiting for help that never came.
It isn't funny, Mr. President.  You're right, somebody in the federal government screwed up.  You just don't realize who it was." 
 Read it all.

Obama now blaming Rush instead of Bush

"Obama decries the few media outlets not willing to shill for his Marxist policies. The Fundamental Transformation of America is on track, and there would be only the depressing desolation of silence were it not for talk show radio.  In spite of his November 6 reelection, millions tune in daily and nightly on Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck... and others.  In a world of government-orchestrated propaganda via the “News”,  it’s their only way of their getting the truth.  Without talk show radio and conservative outlets on the Internet, Obama literally owns the news...." Read it all. 

Barack Obama's Diary: Tumult

 Dear Diary: I's been a tumultuous couple weeks as I begin my second term and I have neglected this diary which will be so valuable to future historians researching why I was the fourth greatest President in history. I had lunch with Biden today. Awkwaaard. He almost choked on  his broccoli as he asked about my "obvious endorsement" of Hillary during  the joint  60 Minutes interview.  "Joe, I asked. "At this stage what difference does it make?"  He nodded, munched on his broccoli and washed it down with a mouthful of water. After lunch I had a visit from the Miami Heat. I gave them a few hints about basketball technique, which -- judging by their broad smiles and winks at each other-- they deeply appreciated. Given my exceptional talents in so many fields, you future historians will notice that I'm a man of unusual modesty. 

Obama's dangerous charge against the GOP

The president of the United States is accusing his democratically-elected opponents of "absolutism,"  [i.e. acting in a tyrannical fashion.] This is  is a remarkable development with potentially profound implications.
Once the president’s opponents have been defined in the American mind as despotically inclined, not susceptible to reason, and unwilling to play by the normal rules of politics, it is only natural that extreme measures are permitted in response. Read more.

Pelosi rumor absurd

A narcotics taskforce in Connecticut has arrested a 71-year-old woman whom police say arranged to have sex for money at a hotel in Glastonbury. Laughing Conservative rejects as absurd any scurrilous Internet rumor about Nancy Pelosi. What reason could she have had to be in Connecticut?


Kissinger warns of Iran nuke peril

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has warned of a crisis involving a nuclear Iran in the "foreseeable future". The Nobel Peace laureate, 89, was speaking about prospects in the Middle East at the World Economic Forum in Davos. He said nuclear proliferation in the region triggered by an armed Iran would increase the chances of an atomic war - "a turning point in human history". Read more.

Obama's killings need more than 'because we say so''

"Why is it not only OK but praiseworthy for the U.S. government to use a drone [to kill] Anwar al-Awlaki a because he is an al-Qaeda “operative” who may not actually have killed anyone directly ...while Adam Lanza, who shot and killed 20 schoolchildren and seven adults, including his mother, before killing himself, could have had a trial that lasted weeks and cost millions of taxpayer dollars?" asks Micheal Kinsley at Bloomberg. com. He later continues: "...The Obama administration’s position is that... there’s no legal problem with drone assassinations for reasons that regrettably must remain secret. U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon...reluctantly acknowledges the administration’s right to maintain this absurd position. A “thicket of laws and precedents,” she wrote, “effectively allow the Executive Branch of our Government to proclaim as perfectly lawful certain actions that seem on their face incompatible with our Constitution and laws, while keeping the reasons for their conclusions a secret.”
The deaths of Awlaki and Lanza may not be tragedies, but the differences in how we think about them deserve better than a “because we said so” -- especially from a liberal Democratic administration led by a former president of the Harvard Law Review.
[thanks BJS]

Obama shoots his mouth off

"Wayne LaPierre? Shoot! I go skeet 
huntin' at Camp David all the time"

60-minute love-fest

 "Did she do a great job? Yep, but at this stage, 
er...Steve, what difference does it make?"

Was Sarah Palin just a fad?

Real Clear Politics broke the story on Friday that Sarah Palin would not be renewing her contract with Fox News. On Saturday, Howard Kurtz reported that the network made a "limited effort" to keep her, and offered her a less-generous contract than it had the first time around. Kurtz concluded that Palin's star had faded.
"Palin was undoubtedly a hotter commodity a few years ago than she is today," writes Matt Lewis in The Week. "Still, I think the issue isn't so much that Palin's star has faded as it is that there are so many new GOP stars on the rise." Find our more.

Dems' 4% check-out fee starts today

Get ready to pay 4% more for your purchases if you use a credit card in New Jersey and 39 other states. Starting today retailers are permitted to add a "checkout fee" to your bill, to cover the merchant fees banks charge them on credit card transactions. And who do we get to blame for this? Why the Dodd-Frank financial regulation reform law, of course. It's one of the many "consumer friendly" provisions instituted by Senator Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren's Consumer Financial Protection Board in response to a class-action lawsuit recently settled by Visa and MasterCard. WyBlog has more

Dog dies guarding Joe Biden

A Secret Service dog who was part of a detail protecting VP Joe Biden  has been killed in a fall from a parking garage. More here.

US faces new financial shock

Many saw the  recent move by Congressional Republicans  to extend US borrowing authority as a sign of greater co-operation with the White House. But conservative lawmakers have recently made it clear that they were simply gearing up for another fight, and are prepared to take a hard line, even amid objections from military hawks, says The Financial Times  “I think the sequester is going to happen,” Paul Ryan, told NBC’s Meet the Press adding that, while he and other Republicans regret that defense will take the brunt, spending cuts are paramount. Read it all.

Piers Morgan is...

Search Google for  "Piers Morgan is" and you'll get responses similar to these, referring to the smug and  loathsome Brit.

Conservatives, happy days will soon be here

Barack Obama -- with the lowest approval rating of any re-elected president when inaugurated since the Second World War -- has a contradictory agenda certain to stimulate a conservative revival, writes George Will.  "Consider his vow to expend political capital on climate change. Obama can propose cutting U.S. fossil fuel emissions with a carbon tax or cap-and-trade scheme, but Congress will pass neither. So he will be reduced to administrative gestures costly to job growth, and government spending..." Read it all.
[Thanks BJS]

Cartoon: Paresh Nath

[ The Khaleej Times, UAE]

Norks to detonate nuke?

AP reports that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has ordered "substantial and high-profile important state measures," state media said Sunday, fueling speculation that he plans to push forward with a threat to explode a nuclear device in defiance of the United Nations. Read more

Can Obama kill Americans on US soil?

Incredible that this is even being debated:


Beware Obama 2, warns Palin

Sarah Palin foresees the future: "Before the November election I wrote that we all know what Obama’s second term will look like because we’ve seen his first. I said: “We know what we will get from a second Obama term. We will get the same failed policies. We will get Obamacare locked into law. We will get a debt crisis. We will get more inflation and higher gas prices. We will get tax increases. We will get fewer jobs. We will get more small businesses collapsing under the weight of higher taxes and unfair regulation. We will get more corruption and crony capitalism favoring the Obama administration’s friends. We will get less domestic energy development and increased dependence on terrorist sponsoring foreign regimes for our energy needs. We will get a 'blame America first' foreign policy that bows to our enemies and snubs our friends like Israel and leaves America and the world less safe. We will get less opportunity and security for ourselves and for our children.” Read it all.

Cartoon: Eric Allie

[Cagle Cartoons]

Guns: Here's the Dems' REAL target

"Let’s skip the crap: Democrats have zero chance of passing Dianne Feinstein’s fantasy ban on semi-automatic rifles through the Senate, much less the House of Representatives," writes Bob Owens.
"It isn’t even their real goal. It’s a tactical diversion. For now, at least. What Feinstein and her fellow bullies want is to browbeat legislators to “compromise.” In Democratese, “compromise” is when they demand a dozen liberties be stripped from you, and give the most outlandish rights away and “accept” just one or two of your freedoms being stripped away..." Read it all.

Cartoon: Rick McKee

[The Augusta Chronicle]

Assault pencil wounds toddler

A New Hampshire toddler is on the mend after she impaled herself with an orange-colored pencil, which lodged between her eye and the back of her skull. Details here. Laughing  Conservative has been unable to confirm  a rumor that Obama administration now seeks compulsory registration of all orange-colored pencils.

Palin parts with FOX News

Sarah Palin and FOX News have cut ties, according to a source close to the former Alaska governor. “It’s my understanding that Gov. Palin was offered a contract by FOX, and she decided not to renew the arrangement,” the source told Real Clear Politics. “She remains focused on broadening her message of common-sense conservatism across the country and will be expanding her voice in the national discussion.”

Cartoon: Rick McKee

[The Augusta Chronicle]

Get ready for the Republican rebound

 "Since President Obama's inaugural address, I've heard from friends all over the country. Many of them are Republicans, some are not, but all are very alarmed at the direction the president is charting for the next four years, writes Mary Kate Cary in US News. She continues: '"At the same time, there's a feeling that the Republican Party is at its weakest in generations. I've heard from all kinds of people who want to get involved in getting it back on track: women who see a role for themselves for the first time ever, young millennials concerned about the national debt, Latinos who are frustrated with Obama's unkept promises on immigration, disillusioned Romney supporters who want to change the tone in Washington, African-Americans who are not happy with how far left the Democratic party has moved...The GOP should be welcoming them all with open arms. As one woman put it, the Republican Party's attitude should be, "If you want us, we want you." Amen to that.  Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal made the argument this week that the future of the Republican Party lies outside the Beltway. I couldn't agree more...." Read it all.  For Jindal's whole speech, see "Recommended Reads" [right]
[Thanks BJS]

Socialist medicine in action

FAITH O'Brien burst into tears this week when a surgeon [in Victoria, Australia] told her she would have to wait two years for surgery to remove a prolapsed disc pressing on a nerve in her spine.
The 36-year-old mother of four has been in constant pain since she fell down a flight of stairs at home in June 2011, and waited 14 months to see a specialist. After a brief appointment last November when she was referred for a MRI scan, O'Brien waited another 10 weeks for a follow-up appointment.
She was told she needed surgery to remove the prolapsed disc, but could expect to wait a minimum two years for the one-hour procedure. ''I burst out crying. [The surgeon] said 'don't blame me, blame your government for funding cuts','' she said. She is among thousands of patients set to face longer waits for elective surgery following a $107 million cut to federal funding for Victorian hospitals this financial year. The state government says it cannot make up the shortfall. Read more
[Thanks BJS]

Obamaquences: Smokers face 50% premium hike

Millions of smokers could be priced out of health insurance because of tobacco penalties under Obamacare allowing health insurers to charge smokers buying individual policies up to 50 percent more. Details here.

Obama 'aims to gut 2nd Amendment'

"The Obama administration's gun-ban agenda and universal background check system are unconstitutional regulatory schemes to gut the Second Amendment. These proposals, which mandate the government collection of data on lawful gun buyers and sellers, amount to universal gun registration and gun owner licensing," writes Marion Hammer, past president of the NRA.
"This agenda focuses on peaceable citizens, not violent criminals who obtain guns on the black market to carry out unspeakable crimes already prohibited under federal and state laws. Instead of stopping crime and eliminating criminal conduct, they are creating more criminals — they are targeting you.
That's why NRA members and the nation's 100 million firearms owners will stand in solidarity and fight against these misguided and diabolical proposals that have nothing whatsoever to do with curbing criminal violence but everything to do with stripping us of our guaranteed civil rights and our freedom."--Read it all.
[Thanks BJS]

'Huge blast hits key Iran nuke facility'

An explosion deep within Iran’s Fordow nuclear facility has destroyed much of the installation and trapped about 240 personnel deep underground, according to a former intelligence officer of the Islamic regime.
Read more.

'Gun Girls' dismantle Piers Morgan

Lord Smugly of Conceit [a.k.a.Piers Morgan] has a seemingly insatiable desire for having his own arse handed to him on a platter. Here, two ladies he patronizingly refers to as 'gun girls' refuse to be intimidated by the loathsome Brit's ceaseless interruptions and insulting criticisms of their smiles and proceed calmly to dismember Morgan's ignorant assertions about 'assault weapons.'

Why Obama is WRONG to put women into combat

Laughing Conservative instinctively feels that putting women in combat is dangerous and wrong, but has not yet read a persuasive argument against it. Here is one:
Now that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has lifted the ban on women in combat, feminists and some women serving in the military are applauding the move as a victory for equal rights. They claim that justice requires nothing short of opening all positions to females, regardless of the consequences to combat effectiveness, unit cohesion, or military readiness, factors whose importance they minimize in any event. Linda Chavez disagrees with them. Find out why.

Cartoon: Parick Chappatte

[The International Herald Tribune]

Cartoon: Rick McKee

[The Augusta Chronicle]

Obama's swatch of artichokes

The talented folks at Bad Lip Reading have reworked the Inauguration: 

A welfare state of mind

From the Interwebs:
I just received my tax return back from the IRS.
I guess it was because of my response to the question: "List all dependents?"
I replied: 12 million illegal immigrants; 3 million crack heads; 42 million unemployed people on food stamps, 2 million people in over 243 prisons and 535 persons in the U.S. House and Senate."
They said this was NOT an acceptable answer.
[Thanks SJVW]

Hillary casts a spell

"Help! I'm Bill. Hillary saw me 
flirting with Jennifer Hudson"

Hillary, where are the 19 Benghazi SURVIVORS?

Did you know there were 19 survivors of the Benghazi  attack and that one is still  at Walter Reed Hospital "in a type of critical condition".  Nor did we. Not to worry, the mainstream media must surely be  investigating? Find out more

OMG we R so bored LOL--BO

Leadership is not having to watch your parade

Obama snubs Bibi again

The second coinciding term of Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Hussein Obama isn't likely to be any more cordial than the first. At the White House press briefing on Wednesday, Press Secretary Jay Carney issued a call for negotiations with the 'Palestinians' to resume (a call clearly designed to influence the choice of coalition a in Israel), and Obama would 'likely' call Prime Minister Netanyahu to congratulate him on his reelection. He still hasn't done so, says Israel Matsav.
"We're off to a great start, aren't we? What could go wrong?" Matsav asks.

Obama declares class war

Dick Morris, former advisor to Bil Clinton, writes: "In 2009, Obama’s agenda of class warfare was cloaked in gentle words. While he observed that “our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some” but added that it was also due to “our collective failure to make hard choices . . .” He gently noting that we “cannot prosper long when it favors only the prosperous.”
But in his 2013 speech, the full force of class envy stood behind his rhetoric as he opined that “we do not believe that in this country, freedom is reserved for the lucky or happiness for the few” (as if any of us did.)
Read it all.

Cartoon:Olle Johanssen

[Olle Johanssen, Sweden]

Benghazi: Obama cover-up exposed

President Obama covered up the truth about the murder of a U.S. ambassador and three other American personnel during the climax of his re-election campaign, even puppeteered his United Nations ambassador to echo the lie on five TV shows, all to cover up the incompetence of the Obama administration's counter-terrorism policies, says Investors Business Daily. "Anything that distracted from Obama's re-election message that Osama bin Laden is Dead couldn't be let out if the president's re-election was to be assured..." Read it all


Cartoon: Cameron Cardow

[The Ottawa Citizen]

Obama's Transformation

[Daryl  Cagle: Cagle Cartoons]

Cartoon: Hillary's testimony

[Daryl Cagle: Cagle Cartoons]

Obama's ugly table strikes again

Amid historic elegance, Obama's ugly faux marble
table clashes like Beyonce's faux singing of the national anthem  

Military leaders 'now asked': Would you fire on US citizens?

From Moonbattery: "Anyone familiar with Obama’s radical background will find this Facebook post by author Jim Garrow as believable as it is terrifying:
I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not”. Those who will not are being removed.
 Garrow is a respected activist who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work rescuing baby girls from one-child China. His source is “one of America’s foremost military heroes.”
This certainly gives the urgent drive to disarm law-abiding citizens some perspective. It could also help us make sense of massive ammunition purchases by the increasingly frightening Department of Homeland Security.
According to the testimony of FBI informant Larry Grathwohl, the Weather Underground crowd that launched Obama’s political career estimated they would have to exterminate 25 million “diehard capitalists” to impose communism on America. This would be done at “reeducation centers” (a.k.a. concentration camps, gulags) in the time-tested oligarchical collectivist tradition.
In possibly related news, Obama is abruptly firing the head of Central Command, Marine Corps General James Mattis. General Mattis has been accused of asking too many questions regarding the Obama policy toward Iran. Could be he wasn’t willing to give the order Obama expects the next four years of Hope & Change to make necessary, and that the Oath Keepers are prepared not to follow...."

Whoa, Hillary-- the truth DOES matter

Hillary Clinton asked Senators what 'at this point' does it matter what caused the Benghazi attack? Yid with Lid has this answer:
"The issue is NOT what caused the Benghazi attack, the issue is why were the American people lied to?  The administration knew the day after the attack that it had absolutely nothing to do with that disgusting video.  Clinton lied, The President lied, the Press Secretary, heck the entire dammed administration lied.
 Makes you wonder how Hilary would have reacted [if] Bubba finally told her about Monica by saying "It's over, what difference, at this point, does it make?" What about all of those liberal Democrats who accused Bush of lying about Iraq?  Did you ask your colleagues in the senate 'What difference, at this point, does it make?' 
This is another example of the arrogance of this administration...they will tell YOU what you deserve to know, what they want you to know....everything but the truth."

Hillary tear-syncs for Congress

And the Oscar  for  best actress goes to: "...Hillary Clinton, testifying before Congress on the attack in Benghazi, Libya, choked up Wednesday as she assured lawmakers that the security of American diplomats was a “personal” issue for her.
“For me, this is not just a matter of policy—it’s personal,” she told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in one of her final acts as Secretary of State. Clinton’s voice broke as she recalled welcoming home the “flag-draped caskets” of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three other Americans killed in the terrorist strike at the consulate, and putting her arms around bereaved family members. Details here.
[Thanks: BJS]

Cartoon: Nate Beeler

[The Columbus Dispatch]

Guns: Resistance Day announced

John Hawkins at Rightwing News: "While Barack Obama is calling for Americans to give up their freedom, their rights, and their guns, we’re calling for Americans to resist. We’re calling on Tea Partiers, moderate Republicans, Libertarians and even moderate Democrats to stand up and say, “No more!”
 Right Wing News is joining Dustin Stockton, Western Representation PAC and the Tea Party in calling for rallies all across the nation on Feb 23rd --a Day of Resistance when gun owners and patriots can peacefully gather. Over the next few weeks, look for rallies to be announced. If you need help getting a rally set up in your local area or would like some help getting speakers, contact Dustin Stockton


Post of the Day....

Responding to criticism that he’s not very sociable, President Obama said “I like a good party.”
So do I. That’s why I’m not a Democrat.
--Posted by Harvey at IMAO