

Never let facts spoil a good story

This week, the entire field of sports journalism is facing a ...moment of self-reflection after learning that several reputable journalists unwittingly helped spread the tragic — and completely false — story of Notre Dame football star Manti Te’o’s deceased girlfriend, reports Poynter.
"Deadspin’s jaw-dropping deconstruction ...called out a litany of top-tier news outlets for spreading the story of a grieving Heisman candidate and his beautiful girlfriend lost to leukemia. Mentioned by name in the piece were Sports Illustrated, ESPN, The Los Angeles Times, The South Bend Tribune, CBS This Morning, The New York Post and Fox Sports..." says Poynter.
So much for the integrity of sports journalism.  But we are left to wonder how the zealous the MSM are in pursuing inconvenient truths about, for example, Obama's life narrative. When a young  Laughing Conservative worked for British tabloids, he was often told by veteran newsmen, with a knowing wink:  "Lad, never let facts get in the way of a good story." Or "Shepherd the facts, son. Shepherd the facts." The inconsistencies  in Obama's life narrative - just like the Notre Dame debacle-- suggest that, when it suits a good narrative, newsmen still shepherd the facts.
[Thanks: BJS]