

Why Piers Morgan 'is delusional'

"CNN talking head Piers Morgan is delusional. There is no other way to describe a transplanted Brit who thinks gun control in America will somehow make the good old U.S. of A. into some sort of clone of Merry Old England," writes Craig Medred in the Alaska Dispatch.
"England has an enviably low murder rate, no doubt about that. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes pegs it at 1.2 per 100,000 people. The U.S. rate, for comparison sake, is 4.8. The Norwegian rate is 0.6. ...Ideally, the U.S. homicide rate would be closer to Norway's than England's. But getting close to England would be great. Unfortunately, fairy-tale thinking of the sort exhibited by Morgan doesn't get anyone closer. There is more to this than just trying to take guns away from average citizens..." Read it all.
[Thanks BJS]