

Barack Obama's Diary: Speaking Frankly

Dear Diary:  I  must admit to being a little impatient at all the media attention that Pope Francis has been getting at the expense of my usual media dominance. But being  myself a magnanimous and modest man who eschews luxury especially on vacations, I appreciate his virtue of simplicity. I like to keep my relationships with other leaders informal and relaxed, so I sent him this message: "Dear Frank:  On behalf of the American people, Michelle and I send  warm good wishes to you and Mrs. Francis and may all your troubles be little ones. I see that there is a golf course at Pavone, near Castel Gandolfo. I look forward to playing a few rounds with you there. Meanwhile, I would appreciate it greatly if you could say some favorable words of support on my behalf to America's cardinals. Just tell them Bathhouse Barry sent you."