

Barack Obama's Diary: Oy Vey!

Dear Diary: I look forward to resuming my rightful place at the epicenter of daily news coverage. The past couple weeks have seen me relegated to virtual obscurity by the election of the Pope, by the Conservative Political Action Conference which included  the predictable harassment of Me by people such as that Palin woman and Rand Paul whose name sounds  like a drag queen.  Oy Vey! Meantime, I have been practicing Hebrew and various quaint Jewish customs in preparation for my visit  to Israel, l have been singing in the shower: Hava nagila, Hava nagila, Hava nagila, Ve'nismecha. Hava nagila, Hava nagila, Hava... Pretty good, huh?  That will warm Bibi's frosty heart when we meet for what Joe Biden told me is the traditional Israeli breakfast of bacon, pork sausage and shellfish washed down with a glass of milk. But enough about me...