

Barack Obama's Diary: Costa lot

Dear Diary: Buenos Dias! My second day in Latin America is upon me. After my customary two eggs over-easy with wholewheat toast,  I met with Mexican entrepreneurs."Usted no construyó eso" I proclaimed to the assembled capitalists in my fluent Spanish.  "You didn't build that!" There was a silence, then cries of indignation began to  come from the crowd.  My Secret Service detail pushed my head down and hurried me to The Beast which was idling outside waiting to take me to the airport and Costa Rica for a  meeting with President Chinchilla.  I had composed a little song to remind me of his name: Chin Chininny, chin Chineninny, Chinchilla... "Buenas tardes Presidente Chihuahua."  I said.  
"Chinchilla" hissed one of my aides. OopsBut enough about me.