

Barack Obama's Diary: Hot? Dudes, I'm medium rare

Dear Diary: I've been feelin' the heat today. And I don't mean the soarin' temperatures in DC, we have air-conditioning to  deal with that. Some of the heat has been comin' from Eric Witholder who has been  pacing around like a caged tiger all day, waitin' for me to unleash him to pursue of a Federal civil rights suit against Zimmerman. Meantime, I felt  even more heat at a meeting  with members of the Delta Sigma Theta, an African-American sorority. Zimmerman can count himself lucky that he wasn't profiled by them angry  ladies on a dark and stormy night.  Even with the a/c fully cranked up they had me sweatin' like a Korean pilot trying to make a manual landing at SFO under the  gaze of a supervisor.  I've got lunch with Biden who's been venting all day (to anyone who'll listen) about  how he warned African Americans that  Romney would put 'ya'll back in chains' and now it's happening anyway. Lunch will be a barrel of laughs. But enough about me.