

Lane Murder: Race IS a key issue

"...who’s to say what would happen if black America exerted even half of the emotional fervor and brainpower it does over cases like [Trayvon] Martin’s to thinking about how to keep black boys from going wrong? Annette John-Hall had some wise words on this last year. What kind of self-image do we have to assume we can only change others, but not ourselves?" asks John Mc Whorter in Time.
"For the time being, though, it’s time for the media to stop proudly emblazoning the race of white cops who kill black boys while cagily describing black teens as, say, “from the grittier part of town,” as has been the case regarding Lane’s killers. The media needs to be as honest with black people as we need to be with ourselves. No group gets ahead by turning away from its real problems..."   Read more:  [BJS]