

GOP moneymen back Rubio for '16

 A group of Republican fundraising heavyweights and wise men in Washington’s business community are solidly behind Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R-Fla.)  for 2016  and see him not only as someone who could win the White House, but someone they can work with. The fundraisers include Bill Paxon, a former New York lawmaker who is now a senior adviser at Akin Gump; Dirk Van Dongen, the president of the National Wholesalers Association; and Wayne Berman, a big-time donor with a knack for picking winning candidates in presidential primaries.All three are a party of the business wing of the Republican Party that has clashed with the Tea Party. Their support for Rubio suggests they seem him as a possible ally going forward. Read more:
Laughing Conservative likes him for his passionate promotion of  the free market system.