

Race: Obama takes sides again

This was supposed to be a president who united the country and helped heal racial divisions. Post-racial, post-political. Of course, he’s been anything but, writes Keith Koffler in White House Dossier
As he did in the Trayvon Martin case, President Obama is jumping right into the fray of a racially charged incident with an opinion about what happened.
Sure, in a statement he called for calm, but only indirectly – i.e. we need “healing” instead of “wounds” – and only as a sideshow to his main point, which was empathy for Brown and the clear suggestion that the killing was wrongful and racially motivated
“The death of Michael Brown is heartbreaking, and Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to his family and his community at this very difficult time,” Obama wrote, adding that Brown and his family need “our prayers.”
"Let me be clear," writes Koffler,  "I have no idea why Michael Brown was shot. BUT NEITHER DOES OBAMA."     Read it all