

More British are coming! More British are Coming!

In the wake of the London Daily Mail's new US-centric website, comes news that the London-based
 Guardian  -- the Bible of British liberals  -- is doing the same. The invention of the railways , enabled newspapers to be printed in London and distributed nationally in time to be on breafast tables  throughout the  country,  British newspapers have been locked  in mortal combat ever since. With  the  Internet, that competitiveness is gradually spreading  beyond Britain's shores through the whole English-speaking world. I  mostly disagree with The Guardian's editorial viewpoints, but I welcome the chance to learn what the other side is thinking . After all, I already know what I think.  British newspapers  tend to be  to  more openly partisan  than  those in the US, because the wide diversity of choice on every newsstand means that they don't feel as obliged to  be as dispassionate as a one-town  monopoly newspaper in the US. Circulation is king.
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