

When Reality Bites, Go on Strike

Denying reality is a union specialty. Greek unions are on a two-day general strike today  and members are rioting in the streets of Athens  once more as the   threat looms  of  new  austerity measures  being rejected by  the Greek Parliament. That would lead to  'economic suicide' according to the Governor of the Bank of Greece. Consequences would be  an immediate exit from the Euro, a  return to the drachma, a massive  run on the banks as well as general economic chaos.  Can a coup be far behind? 
Meanwhile, Britain faces a union strike by 750,000 public sector workers on Thursday, over  plans to reduce taxpayer subsidies of their unsustainable  pension plans which already cost each  UK household around 1000 Pounds ($1600) a year. Yet these self-centered leftists  think they are owed it. As usual, it's all about them.
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