

Dim Crims: Sleepless in Oklahoma

Midwest City, Oklahoma, police say a man they arrested for trying to rob IBC Bank told them he  had been awake for four days using methamphetamine. According to court documents, Christopher Fulton entered the bank and handed the teller a personal check with the personal information scribbled out and a note written on it which read "You know what to do or we all die, I will shoot you first $500 $100 $50 $20 $10". Police say Fulton thought the bank had triggered the hold up alarm and ran out, climbed into a black sports car and left the scene. The next day, the FBI contacted Midwest City Police and said Fulton was confessing to the crime. He saw the robbery suspect's picture in the newspaper and it looked like him. Police say he told them he thought it was his body in the bank, but not his mind.
Fulton told police he stole the check from his mother. He also said a friend owed someone $1,400 for two ounces of methamphetamine and that his girlfriend influenced him to commit the crime. According to Fulton, the plan was to rob the bank to get the money to pay back the debt. [Source]  [BJS]