
Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary:   Earlier  the staff tracked down the girl woman who Rush Limbaugh said rude things about. (Heh, heh. Some are saying  the 23-old co-ed is actually a 30-year- old wimmin's activist who enrolled at the Jesuit college specifically to challenge their policy of not paying for contraceptives. Scary woman. Talking of which,  M. thought it would be good 'optics' for me to call the woman. Jarrett and Axelrod agreed. So  I did.
This has all left  el Rushbo up Shyt Creek in a barbed wire canoe. [I learned  that  expression  from Julia Gillard, the Australian  Prime Minister, when she was describing where she found herself   after trying to enforce a carbon tax.] Anyways, I spoke to  the aforesaid student  on the phone, praising her courage. That helped make one more day when we distract  the MSM [what Jay Carney calls the KAM or Kiss Ass Media] from the state of the economy. The Republicans have already been distracting the electorate from  the jobs issue for weeks, thank goodness. Let's hope that extends through SuperTuesday  Well, that's it for today, better close the laptop, say a bedtime prayer to myself. And so to bed.