
Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary:  I am incensed. Esquire magazine has labelled my tenure as  the "Lethal Presidency" because of my approval of drone attacks on terrorists. They know perfectly well, thanks to  those mysterious leaks, that I am both tough on terror and personally approve drone attacks upon  those on  my kill list. People are supposedly  complaining about lack of  "due process" for those we target. Let me be very clear:  If  you have gone through assessment by the military and intelligence chiefs and you are on my kill list, dude, that's your "due process," and I'm  cool with that.
 I am pleased to be back in DC. The heat has backed off and I might be able to work a round of golf into my schedule.  Meantime, it's late and I have tucked up Michelle as is my habit. Time for my nightly prayer to myself, and then I'll slide into the Presidentopedic  and grasp my blankey  Boo-boo... Barry luv Boo-boo..um-num-num-um..zzzzz