
Dear Cabbie: Ask our street-wise advice columnist

Dear Cabbie:   We're going on vacation to Hawaii, but I don't want to wait a few days to fly with my husband in his private airliner.  I want to go now .with the kids in another airplane. People are saying that's  a waste of money. What should I do? --M.O., Washington, D.C.

Dear M.O:  Wait a couple days and share your husband's airplane. You gotta problem with that? Holy moley, lady, what planet  are you from?  I work two shifts a day and even that's not enough  to pay rent and feed my wife,  my kids and my mother-in-law. Taking a second goddam airplane?  This country is already so deep in the crapper, that we can't afford the first one.  Hey, where's my tip? --Cabbie