
Barack Obama's Diary

Dear Diary: I have  been learning, with dismay, at  daily briefings how the Muslim Brotherhood has formed a political party in Libya and  could be a significant force in June elections. Awkwaaard, as Sasha says to Malia, after M. catches them eating candy.
Where was I? Oh yes... Libya. Nobody would be paying much attention to events there if not for  a certain Pamela Geller, a  voluble blogger who is most certainly not part of  the KAM [Kiss Ass Media,  as Jay Carney calls the  MSM.]  Like the late Andrew Breitbart, Ms. Geller is part of the BAM [Burn Ass Media]  ...that's funny, even if I say so myself, and I do.  Anyways, Ms Geller  was harshly critical  of  our support for the Libyan rebels when  we  didn't know exactly who they were. She's is busy reminding people of that. Scary woman. 
Which reminds me, M. said  it was bedtime ten minutes ago.  Time to close the laptop, say a prayer to myself, and so to bed  [probably to wake up in a cold sweat  after  a nightmare about  NetanYahoo launching a nuclear-powered vase  at me across the Blue Room.]