Dear Diary: Arrived back in DC after a brief sleep on board AF1 from Seoul. After Marine One landed at the White House I asked Michelle to show me her newly-seeded vegetable garden which she is very excited about. After the helicopter had gone we spent a few minutes examining the scene of the crime with a flashlight. The daggone peas are already planted, with sticks for them to climb up. May it please Gaia, they will be killed by a late frost. Failing that, I will have to escalate from Defcon 3 to Defcon 4 and throw a ball for Bo so he runs over the pea vines. No measure is too extreme to avoid another winter of home-frozen peas with every meal.
Meanwhile Malia's back from her spring break in Mexico. After I kissed and hugged her, she was like "Dad, I totally need to speak with you about Mexico." Uh-oh. It sounded like a conversation she needed to have with Michelle, not me. I was like "Of course, sweetheart." Her teen-speak is so infectious that I am left totally talking like a sophomore for hours after any conversation with her. It's awesome that I have no, like, public engagements scheduled for tomorrow.
Marvin has already unpacked for me and left my blue jammies out. Boo-boo, my blankie, lives under my pillow when I'm at home, so I can hold him [Boo-boo, not Marvin] with one hand and suck my thumb if I wake up after a scary dream. Talking of scary, Michelle is calling out for me saying it's late. I must shut the laptop, say a quick prayer to myself. And so to bed.
Meanwhile Malia's back from her spring break in Mexico. After I kissed and hugged her, she was like "Dad, I totally need to speak with you about Mexico." Uh-oh. It sounded like a conversation she needed to have with Michelle, not me. I was like "Of course, sweetheart." Her teen-speak is so infectious that I am left totally talking like a sophomore for hours after any conversation with her. It's awesome that I have no, like, public engagements scheduled for tomorrow.
Marvin has already unpacked for me and left my blue jammies out. Boo-boo, my blankie, lives under my pillow when I'm at home, so I can hold him [Boo-boo, not Marvin] with one hand and suck my thumb if I wake up after a scary dream. Talking of scary, Michelle is calling out for me saying it's late. I must shut the laptop, say a quick prayer to myself. And so to bed.